At Tillington we have an extremely supportive governing body consisting of parents, members of staff, members of the community and the Local Authority. The role of the governing body is to ensure that our school continues to improve, celebrating in its successes as well as holding to account decisions made.

The governors have a termly meeting based on an agenda which is set by the Local Authority; however, much of the work is undertaken in smaller sub-committees which generally meet at least once a term. Each governor has a responsibility for reporting on a particular area of the School Improvement Plan. This involves interacting with staff and the Senior Management Team as well as engaging with the children during lessons and scrutinising data. The governing body is made up of a mix of new and experienced governors, each bringing different skills and representing different views. All governors are appointed for a 4 year term of office.

Minutes of meetings are available in school, please speak to a member of the school office staff.

Please see our Governors Committee details here:

Who we are!

Simon Rowland

I’m a parent of 2 children at Tillington Manor and have been a governor since 2017. I work in IT for a national fashion retailer and both of my parents worked in Primary Education – I was responsible for the computer hardware at my mum’s school from the age of 14! I’m passionate about Tillington Manor Primary School and ensuring that the children we educate are given the best start possible in life.

Richard Thomas

During my many years on the Governing Body of this school I have been a Parent Governor, Local Authority Nominated Governor and am now a Co-opted Governor – until October 2021.

I have, at some stage, served on all of the various committees and sub-committees and have in the past been both Vice Chair and Chairman of Governors and was, most recently, joint Vice Chairman again from 2016-2018. Currently I am a member of the Resources Committee as well as the Pay Policy and Headteacher’s Performance Management sub-committees.

I am also the EYFS (Early Years) Link Governor and Health & Safety Governor monitoring the school’s buildings and grounds.

I continue to be a regular visitor in School, am well known – by name – to the majority of the children and am perhaps ‘most famous’ in the children’s eyes for my role commentating and cheer-leading on Sports days … as well as helping to serve the Christmas lunch! 

Stephan Richardson

I am married with three children, all of whom had their primary education at Tillington.

I have been a Parent/LEA/Co-opted governor ever since my eldest child started at Tillington.

I currently work as an IT Technician at a primary school in Cannock.

Elaine Evans

I am a reverend at the local church – St Bertelins. I come into school and do collective worship with the children.

Trevor Adams

Please see our Governor meeting attendance lists here:

Click Here for 2022/2023

Click Here for 2023/2024

Please Click the following links for more information.

Governor Structure 2023/2024

Governor Consitution 2023/2024

Governor Declarations of Interest 2023/2024


The minutes of Governor meetings are available in school on request (Confidential matters are minuted separately and are not available for viewing). Please direct all enquiries to the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Kerry Dawson, who is contactable as follows:

Address: Tillington Manor Primary School

Telephone (office hours): 01785 337500

Email: office@tillingtonmanor.staffs.sch.uk