Primary Education – Reception

Children join our Reception class in September of the year they reach five. Allocations are made by the Local Authority in line with their Admissions Policy. If you are considering applying for your child to attend Tillington Manor Primary, please call our school office and we can discuss options for meeting the headteacher, our EYFS lead and visiting the school.

The School Admissions Team allocate all school Reception class places – for further details on the admissions process including admission criteria, catchment areas, appeals etc visit the Staffordshire County Council website.


Children can attend our governor run nursery provision from the term after their 3rd birthday. Please contact the school office to request a place for your child. Please note that children who attend our pre-school nursery are not automatically guaranteed a place in school – the normal admission process applies.

In Year Admissions

The admissions arrangements outlined in this section apply to in-year admissions for this and subsequent academic years. An In-year admission is any entry to school other than at the normal point in Reception, for example, transferring school due to a move of house or personal reasons. Please contact the school office if you wish to come and see our school. Applications can be made via the Current arrangements: Overview – Staffordshire County Council
In Year Admission to Tillington Manor Primary School


Admissions Policy 2025/26 Admissions:

PHMAT SIF 202526 Admissions

PHMAT Admissions Arrangements 202526